Monday, September 3, 2007

Football Weekend with the Family

We went to the first VMI football game! We had a blast and got to spend alot of time with Aaron. Football game on Saturday was a huge victory for the "Keydets":

20-0 against Lock Haven University

It was a gorgeous sunny day in Lexington with a full stadium of VMI fans. So much fun seeing Aaron in his football gear and ready for action on the field. Nate and I surprised him by waiting at the entrance to the field for the linebackers to come out (with my camera of course). The look on his face was priceless!! Big smiles from Aaron and I am, of course, proud mother. Nate got a high 5 and I!

Abby, Nate, Jeff and I went to the game after tailgating and watching the parade on the parade grounds. Awesome to follow of course. Aaron doesn't have to march in the parade since he is on the football team but it was fun watching the rats march with the upper classmen. The band with the pipes and drums was great!

We got to the stadium to watch the cadets march in together with the band. They did a formation on the field and the band played the national anthem.

While we cheered the Keydets on to victory, Megan and Bekka texted us to let us know that they got to the OSU game safely and were happily seated on the 50 yard line, six rows up from the field!!!!!!!!! These are our season tickets for this year. Everyone is sooooo happy. Of course, they kept us posted as to the scores for the game as well as the scores for the rest of the Big Ten games. We did the happy dance when we heard the final scores for the Michigan/Appalachian State Game!!! Jeff's only comment when he heard was "Life is good!" Victory for VMI, Victory for the Bucks, a BIG LOSS for Michigan!!!!!

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