Sunday, August 26, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Another Football Player in the Family!

Here's our boy Nate, #55 on Crusaders Football.
First year on the 7/8 team. This is Nate's 5th season of playing football!

Weekend At Last!

And This is What I was served on Saturday

A Grande Latte!

My husband is the most wonderful guy in the world!!

A day in Oxford with our sweetie.....Megan. We had such a fun dinner together at a german restaurant. Then ice cream at Cold Stone!

Got to see her new apartment and it is so cute.

Here she is with her boy. Aren't they cute??

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Our football player at VMI

Matriculation at VMI

A visit with our son at VMI. We are thrilled for what the future holds for him.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


New Beginnings! Our Family Blog

I have decided to begin a blog to keep you up to date on our family adventures! We have had many this past summer. Most recent, of course, is to send our two eldest off to college. Megan, a senior this year at Miami University of Ohio, and Aaron, a freshman (or Rat as they are called!) at the Virginia Military Institute. I will keep you posted as to their progress.

On the homefront, Bekka got her license, Nate has started Crusader Football, and Abby has hosted at least 2,000 kids at our house for slumber/swimming parties! We are loving our new swimming pool and Jeff and I find our solace there.

We began our summer with our two week trip to Scotland. A fantastic family vacation which we will never forget. I will try to add some pictures later. We returned home to Aaron's graduation and send-off to his Summer Transition Program at VMI. He spent the month in Lexington, VA playing football and studying. The rest of our summer has been jam packed with events, including trying to plan a wedding for Megan and her fiance', Avi . Wedding date is tentatively planned for August 15th of 2008.

Jeff and I managed to get away to NAPA Valley for our 23rd Wedding Anniversay. It was wonderful.

The girls and I picked Aaron up from Lexington Va at the end of July, only to have him with us for one short week. Jeff returned him to VMI for a two week football camp in August. This past weekend we again made the trip to Lexington where Jeff and I got to spend a very short time with Aaron. We got to watch him practice football. Aaron is sooooo excited! Our hearts were heavy as we said our goodbyes and watched him march off with his cadre for the beginning of "hell week". (Their term for an intensive bootcamp-like training: "sweat parties, little sleep, marching for hours in the hot Virginia sun, and heavy physical training/workouts military style.) Not what I would like to do for the rest of my summer, but PERFECT for Aaron who loves this! We will keep you posted on his progress.

This was also the weekend for Megan's move-in at Miami University. A serious conflict in scheduling as she was quick to point out! Since we had to be in Lexington for Aaron's matriculation, it was the first time we missed move-in day with Megan. Fortunately, as a senior this year, she managed on her own with a little help from Avi!

Bekka, our grown-up little 16-year-old, managed the homefront with Abby and Nate! Thank you Bekka! She did an awesome job here at home and has decided she will wait awhile before becoming a wife and mommy! (I think all the driving to and fro for all the kids' activities as well as the cooking did her in!)

Pictures to follow, as soon as I figure out how to add them to this blog. We wish you all blessings and will add more as the year progresses.